Sunday, December 11, 2011

Watch the Throne Sequel in the Works?


Who gon stop 'em, huh!? In an interview with MTV News, Jay-Z hinted at the possibility of a sequel to the groundbreaking collaborative album by him and Kanye West being released as early as 2012, as well as solo albums by both artists.

“Yeah, it depends on how this thing finishes up. We’re in a great place creatively. You might see a Jay, then Kanye, and a Throne album next year. We really found our zone." the legendary rapper said. He and Kanye are still venturing on their Watch the Throne Tour, which ends December 18th in Vancouver. The album has received three Grammy nominations and has landed among many critics best of the year lists.

If you still haven't watched the throne, something is seriously wrong with you.

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