Monday, January 23, 2012

Mixtape: Rockie Fresh - Driving 88

The much anticipated Driving 88 dropped today. I must say that it lived up to my high standards that I've built specifically for it over the months and even went a bit further than that. Like Rockie said some time ago in an interview it has a much lighter tone than Otherside but it's still everything we come to know as Rockie. Instead of just using the cult film franchise Back to the Future as an inspiration for a title and a way to sell Driving 88 takes it further by incorporating it into a theme for the mixtape. The result is something smooth, cool, and very Fresh (pun intended) with some new material. If half of the CF crew has been waiting on a mixtape and are satisfied with the work then you definitely should check it out.

Download: Rockie Fresh- Driving 88

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